Körper, Un-Körper, Gestrüpp/ Postiche Patch/ Haare können nicht singen
(und schon gar nicht tanzen)/ New Meaning by Repeating/ E gira tutto
intorno la stanza mentre si danza danza/ Dinge sind wie sie sind/ Danza/ 208
Images of Lines as Frames in mp4 Format/ Tohuwabohu/ Objekt, Subjekt,
Abjekt/ A Rose is a Rose is a Rose and she has no Teeth/ Sentence(s)/ Striche/
Monster?/ Brush/ À la Jalousie peruke/ A Word Only Makes Sense Within a
Sentence, a Sentence Only Makes Sense Within Other Sentences/ À la légère
peruke/ Single Lines, that Dance With Each Other and Move/ Toupet/
Tanzende Wörter/ Sinn im Unsinn und viceversa/ Medusa/ Heart of a Ghost
Untitled, 2018, video animation
Untitled, 2018, 2 video animations
hairbrush, 2018, brush, hair